Read This Close to Happy A Reckoning with Depression
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A New York Times Book Review Favorite Read of 2016Despair is always described as dull, writes Daphne Merkin, when the truth is that despair has a light all its own, a lunar glow, the color of mottled silver. This Close to HappyMerkins rare, vividly personal account of what it feels like to suffer from clinical depressioncaptures this strange light.Daphne Merkin has been hospitalized three times: first, in grade school, for childhood depression; years later, after her daughter was born, for severe postpartum depression; and later still, after her mother died, for obsessive suicidal thinking. Recounting this series of hospitalizations, as well as her visits to myriad therapists and psychopharmacologists, Merkin fearlessly offers what the child psychiatrist Harold Koplewicz calls the inside view of navigating a chronic psychiatric illness to a realistic outcome. The arc of Merkins affliction is lifelong, beginning in a childhood largely bereft of love and stretching into the present, where Merkin lives a high-functioning life and her depression is manageable, if not cured. The opposite of depression, she writes with characteristic insight, is not a state of unimaginable happiness . . . but a state of relative all-right-ness.In this dark yet vital memoir, Merkin describes not only the harrowing sorrow that she has known all her life, but also her early, redemptive love of reading and gradual emergence as a writer. Written with an acute understanding of the ways in which her condition has evolved as well as affected those around her, This Close to Happy is an utterly candid coming-to-terms with an illness that many share but few talk about, one that remains shrouded in stigma. In the words of the distinguished psychologist Carol Gilligan, It brings a stunningly perceptive voice into the forefront of the conversation about depression, one that is both reassuring and revelatory. A conversation with Daphne Merkin about depression Photo illustration by Slate Photo by Tina Turnbow Daphne Merkins new book This Close to Happy: A Reckoning With Depression is at once an exploration Federal Reserve & Clintons Doomed-Clif High Greg Hunter Greg is the producer and creator of USAWatchdogcom The sites slogan is analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of whats really going on The site Manic - definition of manic by The Free Dictionary manic (mnk) adj 1 Full of or characterized by frenetic activity or wild excitement: a manic fiddler; the manic pace of modern life 2 Psychiatry Relating How to Double Your Money in 5 Hours - The Daily Reckoning How to Double Your Money in 5 Hours Have you ever doubled your money In just a few hours? A couple weeks back in one of this years most successful IPOs a Jim Rickards: Debt The Death of Money and Gold - The Jim Rickards: Debt The Death of Money and Gold [Ed Note: Jim Rickards latest New York Times bestseller The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites Secret Plan for A Depression- Era Playlist Arts & Culture Smithsonian A Depression- Era Playlist Poet David Lehman provides a list of his favorite songs from the 1930s including works by Irving Berlin Harold Arlen and others Doug Casey Predicts Day of Economic Reckoning Is Near It is a deal with the devil: governments churn out more and more cash for the promise of continued prosperity But the day of reckoning is near according to Doug How Does Hannah Kill Herself on 13 Reasons Why? POPSUGAR Trigger Warning: Discussions of suicide and depression below There are also spoilers for 13 Reasons Why throughout There's a good chance Hannah Baker is just like you More Guides ReadingGroupGuidescom A site dedicated to book lovers providing a forum to discover and share commentary about the books and authors they enjoy Author interviews book reviews and lively Daphne Merkin: Moodiness Isnt Depression Timecom Depression has never been an easy illness to grasp in part because it doesnt show up in noisy colorful symptoms but in a lack thereof a kind of pallor or stillness
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